Jan 30, 2022Liked by Anna McMartin

Fantastic writing and so useful too. I’m a 60 year old tauiwi woman who spends a lot of time studying and thinking about my identity as a non-Māori ally. There is, on the face of it, a simplicity to that identity and yet it is incredibly complex and nuanced.

I work in a DHB and am anticipating the birth of the Māori Health Authority with a mix of optimism and cynicism founded in my understanding of the history you’ve so eloquently sketched in your writing. Institutional and individual racism is alive and kicking in healthcare and my DHB has tokenism down to a fine art. I feel invigorated after this read, thank you. I wish I could surround myself with people like you.

Ngā mihi

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Anna McMartin

Beautiful and heartfelt, as always. I have been meaning to re-read this and you've just provided the catalyst. Thank you!!

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