Sep 8Liked by Anna McMartin

Wow, what a thought provoking read. And I agree with Ady, informative and well researched. How do we get this information out there? Especially to the blind and gullible followers of Muriel Newman.

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Great question. And I don't know. Adam Dudding and RNZ did some great reporting - but I'm guessing they were constrained by resources and whatever was more sexy in the media cycle. I don't think anyone's followed the story from start to finish, which is what's needed for justice and healing.

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Sep 8Liked by Anna McMartin

I’d heard snippets of much of what you’ve written but not enough to put it all together. Thank you for doing that. I’d love to copy and paste it onto Muriel’s right wing think tank NZCPR but their moderators never let anything through unless it agrees with their views. So much for free speech.

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Sep 8Liked by Anna McMartin

Oh, Anna. I know a fair bit of this damnable story and its characters, but your meticulous explication does excellent work in its rationality and its clarity. My postgrad supervisor once took me to task for inserting my indignant voice into a difficult piece of writing. Lay out the evidence, she said - let it do the talking...and it will. It has done that here, and it needs to be shared. (So glad that you enjoyed working with Ronnie - her mix of grace, erudition and passion is hard to beat.)

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Ha, I wrote a slightly indignant thesis, then picked up the rest of indignance and chucked it into a Substack. Thanks, friend.

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Sep 8Liked by Anna McMartin

Another amazing piece. If I win powerball I’ll get it printed on the front page of the herald. You’ll know it’s me by the unmatchable pseudonym Plodgsons Hedge 😂

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This could be the only thing that would convince me to buy the Herald. 😂

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Sep 8Liked by Anna McMartin

Thanks Anna, such a readable rendition of this crazy story.

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Thank you for reading. It's ... a lot, I know.

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Sep 8Liked by Anna McMartin

No I think it’s perfect. A lot of this I know, but all condensed and added to in your usual articulate fashion. I’d love more people to read this. Unfortunately I imagine those that should never will.

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Sep 8Liked by Anna McMartin

😭 every damn time.

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Hey, this is what we do on Sunday nights, e hoa. ❤️

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Sep 8Liked by Anna McMartin

Wow, what an informative and well researched piece of work. I must remember some of this for use when calling out racists.

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Thank you! Appreciate you reading.

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I wish that every NZer could read this. What a harrowing story. Thank you so much for writing it and your skill in giving justice where it was needed. I hope it can be published more widely.

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Thanks, Jenna. It was unusually hard to write, and I appreciate you giving it your time. 🙂

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

Wow, this started out as an incredible tale and I was waiting for justice to be served but the longer it took the more and more my heart sank. Thankfully some degree of justice in the end.

And thank you for the incredible mahi researching and writing it up.

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I cannot thank you enough for the amazing writing you share Anna . I have shared this atricle to FB and emailed it to those who hopefully share on as well.

Ka nui te mihi aroha..

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Amazing piece, Anna.

So very important.

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Graham Rankin, 16 Rankin St, Kaikohe.

June 4th, 2001.

Minister of Treaty Claims, The Hon Margaret Wilson.

Tena koe,

Eighteen months ago I met a man of good Bohemian stock. I have met him several times later, a young man with a terrible bile in his belly, and rightfully so.

No living person should suffer the pain he and his wife and children, at the hands of Government and Associates, Ministers in particular. From the time the Te Roroa claim took effect, I asked, "could this be the land of our fathers".

In my view, how could Te Awha Parore and Tiopira own so much land, when Maori, at some time in our history had communistic laws? The Chief only apportions a small parcel of land for family requirements, no more, no less. The land belonged to the Tribe not the chief.

Te Roroa people are only squatters, living on the edge of Waipoua Forest. They don't even know what they are!! Ngatiwhatua or Ngapuhi. Like the Israelites, driven out of the Bay of Islands to Whangaroa, then fled with Hongi Hika in chase to Waipoua.

My Ngaitu people were the earlier settlers, our Tupuna, Chief Kohuru of the funerary chests at Kohekohe. I am angry that the chests were never returned to Kohekohe but interred in a simple ceremony at Waimamaku without permission.

I have read the Te Roroa report, also attended the findings at Waikara Marae, men and women in the finery, Ministers, Members of the Tribunal, others in country apparel, gumboots, oilskins, horses, tractors and dogs, out for a great day. The big tops, a large dining area, all at the expense of the Government of the day.

Before the seal had set, this 15th day of May 1990, the great philosophers found there was a grave mistake. Accordingly, a prompt change to the Act was pushed through by Parliament, "land that was owned by private ownership should not be challenged". The work of the claim was shoddy, unclean and destructive in the eyes of our New Zealand Society.

My question minister, the land can never be given to Maori, sitting as a "crown jewel" when it should be returned to Allan Titford, now.

I asked Titford to bring me copies, various deeds, Court minutes, successions before writing. I am satisfied what I have witnessed, by the sequence of events, from the time the Crown purchased Maunganui lands from Te Awha Parore in successions, or lease, is compatible with the standard within the law of our country.

Also let it be known to the Tribunal and yourself, in permanent storage, Turnbull Library had "an epitome" of official documents, relative to native offers and land purchases in the North Island of New Zealand. A very useful follow up guide for claims. Compiled and edited by N. Hansen Turton. There is a large section contained about Maunganui lands.

Enclosed, is exhaustive research provided by Titford. Maps and Deeds can be supplied if required. I am a devoted protector of my Maori Peoples interests if a case is fair and accurate, same goes for Pakeha people.

I must reiterate, this must be the saddest case I have come upon. Bad research coupled by greed and inefficiency. Please have the Tribunal sight this letter. Be guided by extra care in the future.

Tena Koe Hoi ano

Signed, Graham Rankin, Ngapuhi Elder.

Regards to our Great Prime Minister.

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This is an incredible story, thanks for writing it. I don't know how I haven't heard about this?! I'm from that area - just north of Dargaville, which is where I grew up. I've been to the beautiful Mangonui Bluff. I hope you get to visit sometime - and go to the Kai Iwi lakes while you're there :)

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Thank you for this excellent piece. I don't think it has been so comprehensively researched and written before. I have shared on Northern Greens FB page. At the time, we were living on the other side of the Waipoua and knew both Alex and Manos. I attended some of the heartbreaking Tribunal sessions.

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Incredible writing. Thank you.

I wonder where Susan Cochrane is now and how we can support her.

I hope she has since been able to build a happy and safe life for herself and her children.

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A perfectly timed, impeccably researched and narrated piece. I will have all my students read it. Thank you for this important mahi and the many layers you’ve sifted through to write it!

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brilliant......I have been there and lived thru the media wars of those times. Totally pro tangata whenua in these harrowing days with this shite government and the likes of Brash and Batchelor pedalling hate..........lies and did information. I am really glad for reading the truths I didnt know or had forgotten..............but so good to be reminded of. AND the reminder of the good grace and patience of Tangata Whenua over the many decades of dealing with the various acts of colonising powers....the theft and the degradation. Thank you for this. I will go there again and it will be totally different with this new knowing.......

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