Being laid off is horrific in a way that's hard to explain to those who haven't been there.
If you're lucky, you'll find something else soon: mostly your self-worth and your sense of security will suffer.
If you're unlucky, the panic to find the rent - we can't have landlords going without - will feel so desperate that self-worth and a sense of security will feel like a luxury.
The only thing worse? When your whole town - whānau and whenua, history and future - gets laid off together.
'Redundant' means 'no longer needed or useful; superfluous'.
That describes no person I ever met - only the system that discarded them.
I so agree. Devestating for individuals, whanau and community, and I am sure if some gov types really cared something could be done........I wonder how creative the thinking around solutions is.....but yes Anna, a kick in the guts..............froma f----k'd up system that lets this happen and be okay with it. What can we do ?
This is Groundhog Day for me, reliving life in the UK of my younger years (maybe ANZ too, but I wasn’t here to say). Seriously, I’m having flashbacks to the Margaret Thatcher years. It is, I guess, a feature of aging that you realise the world is in a relentless cycle of not learning from the past. I can’t wait for this government to be gone.